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labium - Latin = lip (plural labia), adjective - labial.

labrum - Latin = rim.

labyrinth - Greek labyrinthos = maze, adjective - labyrinthine.

lacerum - Latin lacer = mangled, hence, lacerated, torn.

lacrimal - adjective, Latin lacrima = a tear (drop).

lactation - Latin lactans = suckling. Hence, the act of secreting milk.

lacteal - adjective, Latin lac = milk, hence, resembling milk.

lactic - adjective, Latin lac = milk.

lactiferous - adjective, Latin lac = milk, and ferre = to carry.

lacuna - Latin lacus = lake, hence, a small pond or gap, adjective, lacunar.

LAD - A standard medical abbreviation for LymphADenopathy (lymphadenopathy) -- LAD

lambda - Greek letter representing a capital 'L' and written as an inverted V.

lambdoid - adjective, Greek lambda, representing a capital 'L' and written as an inverted V; hence, like that letter.

lamella - diminutive of Latin lamina = plate; hence, a small plate.

lamina - Latin = plate, either a layer of nervous tissue, like the laminae of the lateral geniculate body, or a connective tissue membrane, like lamina cribrosa sclerae, or of bone, as in vertebral laminae; hence, laminectomy = lamina + Greek ektome = excision -

Lamina Propria - A highly vascular layer of connective tissue under the basement membrane lining a layer of epithelium.

lanugo - Latin lana = wool, hence, the fine downy hair on the skin of the foetus, or cheeks.

larynx - Greek = voice-box, adjective - laryngeal.

lata - Latin latus = side.

Lateral - (L. lateralis, lateral). To the right or left of the axial line, to the outside, away from the midline. adjective, Latin latus = side, hence, nearer the side.

Latissimo- - (L. latus, broad). A term applied to some broad flat muscles, e.g., latissimus dorsi.

latissimus - superlative of adjective, Latin latus = wide, hence, latissimus dorsi muscle, the widest muscle of the back; earlier name was anitersor - wiper of the anus.

left atrium - (and its auricle appendage) receive oxygenated blood from the lungs through four pulmonary veins and acts as a holding chamber for blood in readiness for its flow into the left ventricle.

left ventricle - the pumping chamber of the heart for systemic circulation.

leg - the lower limb between the knee and the ankle.

Leiomyosarcoma - A rare malignant tumor consisting of smooth muscle cells and small cell sarcoma tumor.

lemniscus - Greek lemniskos = a band or ribbon (applied to nerve fibres).

lens - Latin = lentil - a transparent body with one or both surfaces curved to re-direct light rays, adjective - lentiform or lenticular.

lentiform - adjective, Latin lens = lentil, and forma = shape, hence, lentil-shaped.

leptomeninx - Greek lepto = delicate, and meninx = membrane. Usually refers to pia and arachnoid. Plural leptomeninges.

Lesion - An abnormal change in structure of an organ or part due to injury or disease; especially: one that is circumscribed and well-defined.

Leukemia - Malignant proliferation of hematopoietic cells, characterized by replacement of bone marrow by neoplastic cells. The leukemic cells usually are present in peripheral blood, and may infiltrate other organs of the reticuloendothelial system, such as liver, spleen and lymph nodes. Leukemia is broadly classified into acute and chronic leukemia, with multiple distinct clinicopathologic entities subclassified in each category.

Levator - (L. levare, to lift). One of several muscles whose function is to lift the structure to which it is attached, e.g., levator palpebrae superiorus. Latin = elevator.

LFTs - A standard medical abbreviation for Liver Function Tests.

lien - Latin = spleen, adjective - lienal.

Ligament - A band of fibrous tissue that connects bones or cartilages, serving to support and strengthen joints. Latin ligamentum = bandage, usually tying parts to each other, adjective - ligamentous.

limbic - adjective, Latin limbus = a margin, usually curved.

limbic system - a network of neurons that extends over a wide range of areas of the brain. Imposes an emotional aspect to behaviors, experiences, and memories.

limbus - Latin = a margin, usually curved, hence, limbus of cornea, its circular junction with the sclera, adjective - limbic; limbic lobe of the brain comprises structures which encircle the junction of the diencephalon and telencephalon.

limen - Latin = a threshold, hence, subliminal - below threshold.

linea - Latin = line.

lingua - Latin = tongue, adjective, lingual.

Linguae - (L. lingua, tongue). Pertaining to, or toward, the tongue.

lingula - diminutive of lingua, hence, a little tongue, adjective - lingular.

Linitis Plastica - The name "Linitis plastica" is derived from a Latin word meaning "hard", which refers to gastric cancers with symptoms of the entire stomach swelling up as for an inflammation.

lipids - a class of substances that are insoluble in water (and other polar solvents) but are soluble in nonpolar substances (like ether or chloroform).

Liposarcoma - The soft tissue sarcomas are a group of cancers which develop from a number of different supportive tissues in the body including fibrous tissue, muscle, ligaments, tendons and fat.

lissencephalic - adjective, Greek lissos = smooth, hence, a cerebrum lacking sulci.

living systems - can be described from various perspectives, from the very broad (looking at the entire earth) to the very minute (individual atoms).

LN - A standard medical abbreviation for Lymph Node or Lymph Nodes.

lobule - diminutive of lobus.

lobulus - Latin diminutive of lobus, hence, a lobule.

lobus - Greek lobos = lobe, adjective - lobar.

locus - Latin a place (cf. location, locate, dislocate).

loin - Latin lumbus - the part of the back between the ribs and the hip bone.

Longissimus - (L. longus, long). A name given to certain long muscles, e.g., longissimus capitis. superlative of Latin longus = long, hence, the longest.

longitudinal - adjective, Latin longitudo = length, hence, lengthwise.

longus - adjective, Latin = long, hence, longissimus (superlative) = the longest.

lucidum - Latin lucidus = clear.

lumbar - adjective - see loin.

Lumborum - (L. lumbus, a loin) Pertaining to the back and sides between the pelvis and ribs.

lumbrical - Latin lumbricus = worm, hence worm-shaped muscles of the palm.

Lumbricales - (L. lumbricus, an earthworm). Muscles resembling earthworms, e.g. the lumbricals. รก

Lumen - The cavity or channel within a tube or tubular organ. Latin = opening, hence the space within a tube.

lunate - adjective, Latin luna = moon, hence, crescentic.

luteum - adjective, Latin = yellow.

Lye - A strong caustic alkaline solution of potassium salts, obtained by leaching wood ashes. It is much used in making soap, etc.

lymph - Latin lympha - clear spring water.

lymph nodes - small, oval or bean-shaped bodies that occur along lymphatic vessels. They filter the lymph, destroy bacteria, toxins, and particulate matter, and they produce antibodies.

Lymphadenopathy - Abnormally enlarged lymph nodes. Commonly called "swollen glands."

Lymphangiogram - X-rays of the lymphatic system. A dye is injected to outline the lymphatic vessels and organs.

lymphatic - a vessel carrying lymph.

lymphatic system - consists of lymphatic vessels, a fluid called lymph, lymph nodes, the thymus, and the spleen.

Lymphedema - Lymphedema is an accumulation of lymphatic fluid in the interstitial tissue that causes swelling, most often in the arm(s) and/or leg(s), and occasionally in other parts of the body. Lymphedema can develop when lymphatic vessels are missing or impaired (primary), or when lymph vessels are damaged or lymph nodes removed (secondary).

Lymphocyte - Any of the colorless weakly motile cells originating from stem cells and differentiating in lymphoid tissue (as of the thymus or bone marrow) that are the typical cellular elements of lymph , include the cellular mediators of immunity, and constitute 20 to 30 percent of the white blood cells of normal human blood.

lymphocytes - white blood cells (leukocytes) that provide an immune response that attacks specific kinds of nonself cells and foreign substances.

Lymphocytopenia - An abnormally small number of lymphocytes in the circulating blood.

Lymphoid - Cells derived from stem cells of the lymphoid lineage: large and small lymphocytes, plasma cells.

Lysosome - A saclike cellular organelle that contains various hydrolytic enzymes. Vesicles from a Golgi apparatus that contain digestive enzymes that break down food, cellular debris, and foreign invaders such as bacteria.