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obex - Latin = barrier; hence, the coronal fold of ependyma over the lower angle of the 4th ventricle.

oblique - adjective, Latin obliquus; slanting, or deviating from the perpendicular or the horizontal.

oblongata - Latin oblongus = oblong; medulla oblongata.

Obturator - (L. obturare, to occlude). Pertaining to muscles associated with the obturator membrane, which closes the obturator foramen. Latin obturatus = stopped up; hence, a structure which closes a hole.

Occipitalis - (L. ob, before or against + caput, head). Pertaining to muscles attached to the occipital bone.

occiput - Latin ob = prominent (cf. obvious), and caput = head; hence, the prominent convexity of the back of the head; adjective - occipital.

occlusion - Latin occlusum = closed up; hence, apposition of reciprocal teeth, or the blocking of any tubular structure; adjective - occlusal.

oculomotor - Latin oculus = eye, and movere = to move, hence, pertaining to moving the eye.

oculus - Latin = eye.

odontoid - Greek odous = tooth, and eidos = form, shape, hence, tooth-like.

oesophagus - Greek = gullet (passage from pharynx to stomach); adjective - oesophageal.

olecranon - Greek olene = ulna, and kranion = upper part of head; hence, the upper end of the ulna.

olfactory - adjective, Latin olfacto = smell.

olfactory sense - sense of smell.

olive - Latin oliva - the oval fruit of the olive tree; oval eminence on medulla oblongata; adjective - olivary.

Omentum - A free fold of the peritoneum, or one serving to connect viscera, support blood vessels, etc. The great, or gastrocolic, omentum forms, in most mammals, a great sac, which is attached to the stomach and transverse colon, is loaded with fat, and covers more or less of the intestines. The lesser, or gastrohepatic, omentum connects the stomach and liver and contains the hepatic vessels. The gastrosplenic omentum, or ligament, connects the stomach and spleen.

Omo - (L. omo, shoulder). Pertaining to muscle attached to the scapula.

omohyoid - Greek omos = shoulder; hence, a muscle attached to the scapula and hyoid.

Oncologist - A physician who specializes in the treatment of various types of cancer.

oogenesis - consists of the meiotic cell divisions that lead to the production of ova (eggs) in females.

operculum - Latin = lid or cover; hence, operculum insulae, the cerebral cortex covering and hiding the insula (the 5th lobe of cerebral cortex).

ophthalmic - adjective, Greek ophthalmos = eye.

Opponens - ( L. opponere, to place against). A name given to several adductor muscles of the fingers and toes.

oppose - Latin oppositum = put against; hence, to resist or place in contact with, and opposition - the action of opposing.

optic - adjective, Greek optos = seen; hence, pertaining to sight.

ora - Latin ora = margin or edge.

ora serrata - Latin ora = margin, and serra = saw; hence, the serrated anterior edge of the functional part of the retina.

oral - Latin oris = a mouth, hence, pertaining to the mouth.

orbit - Latin orbis = circle; the name given to the bony socket in which the eyeball rotates; adjective - orbital.

organ - a group of different kinds of tissues working together to perform a particular activity.

organelles - bodies within the cytoplasm that serve to physically separate the various metabolic reactions that occur within cells.

organic compounds - compounds that have carbon atoms.

organism - a system possessing the characteristics of living things - the ability to obtain and process energy, the ability to respond to environmental changes, and the ability to reproduce.

orifice - Latin orificium = opening.

Oris - (L. oris, mouth). Relating to the entrance to the digestive tube, or mouth.

Os - (L. os, bone) a bone á

os, oris - Latin os = mouth; plural - ora, adjective - oral.

os, ossis - Latin os = bone; plural - ossa, adjective - osseous.

Osmosis - Movement of a solvent through a semipermeable membrane (as of a living cell) into a solution of higher solute concentration that tends to equalize the concentrations of solute on the two sides of the membrane. The diffusion of water molecules across a selectively permeable membrane.

Osmotic - Pertaining to or of the nature of osmosis.

ossicle - Latin ossiculus, diminutive of os = bone.

ossify - Latin os = bone, and facio = make; hence, to form bone; and ossification, the process of bone formation.

osteology - Greek osteon = bone, and logy = a field of study.

ostium - Latin = a door, an opening, an orifice.

otic - adjective, Greek otos = ear.

otolith - Greek otos = ear, and lithos = stone; hence, calcareous particles in the utricle and saccule of the membranous labyrinth.

ovary - Latin ovum = egg; hence, the organ containing ova (the largest cells in the female).

ovum - Latin = egg, plural - ova.