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taenia - Latin = a tape or ribbon.

talus - Latin = ankle-bone; hence, the tortoise-shaped tarsal of the talocrural (ankle) joint.

tapetum - Latin = a carpet or coverlet; hence the roof of the posterior horn of the lateral ventricle.

tarsus - Greek tarsos = a flat surface; hence the flat part of the foot, and later, the bones of the foot behind the metatarsals, adjective, tarsal.

T-cells - T-cells are thymus-derived lymphocytes. T-cells are the major component of cell-mediated immunity. There are several types of T Cells: Cytotoxic T-cells destroy cancer cells and foreign invaders; helper T-cells that work in conjunction with white blood cells; and suppressor T cells that play a role in controlling white blood cell function.

Technetium - A silvery-grey metallic element, artificially produced by bombardment of molybdenum by deuterons: used to inhibit corrosion in steel. The radioisotope technetium (Tc99m), with a half-life of six hours, is used in radiotherapy.

tectorial - adjective, Latin tectorium = an overlying surface like plaster, a covering or roof.

tectum - Latin = roof; hence the roof of the midbrain.

tegmen - Latin = covering (cf. integument = the skin).

tegmentum - Latin = covering.

tela - Latin = a web; e.g., a fold of pia mater containing a choroid plexus.

telencephalon - Greek telos = end, and enkephalos = brain; hence the rostral part of the developing brain. (With the diencephalon, it makes up the prosencephalon).

temporal - Latin tempus = time; hence, the temporal area of the scalp, where grey hair first appears, marking the progress of ageing.

Temporalis - (L. tempus, time or temple). Relating to the temple, musculus temporalis.

tendon - Latin tendo = I stretch out.

tenia - Latin = a tape or ribbon.

Tensor - (L. tendere, to stretch). Pertaining to a muscle whose function is to make a structure, to which it is attached, firm and tense.

tensor - Latin tensus = stretched; hence a muscle which produces tension.

tentorium - Latin = tent; tentorium cerebelli.

Teratoma - A benign tumor of germ cell origin, composed of nonproliferating somatic tissues. In the testis, teratomas are rare and usually found in prepubertal children.

Teres - (L. tero, round or smooth). Denoting certain muscles that are round and long.

testicle - Latin testiculus = the male gonad (see testis).

testis - Latin testiculus = the male gonad. From Latin testis = a witness. Under Roman law, no man could bear witness (testify) unless he possessed both testes. Plural - testes.

Testosterone - A hormone that is produced especially by the testes or made synthetically and that is responsible for inducing and maintaining male secondary sex characters.

tetralogy - Greek tetra = four, and logos = discourse, hence a combination of four elements e.g., symptoms or defects.

Tetraploid - Individual or cell having four times the haploid number of chromosomes in the cell nucleus.

tetrology - Greek tetra = four, and logos = discourse, hence a combination of four elements or symptoms.

thalamus - Greek = bedroom - derivation obscure, though the posterior end of the thalamus is rounded and named pulvinar = cushion.

theca - Greek theka = a capsule, sheath.

thenar - Greek = palm of hand; hence, the ball of the thumb.

Thoracentesis - Removal of fluid in the pleura through a needle.

thorax - Greek = the chest, adjective, thoracic.

thrombus - Greek = a clot.

thymus - Greek = sweetbread.

Thyro- - (G. thyreos, an oblong shield). Denoting certain muscles attached to the thyroid cartilage.

thyroid - Greek thyreos = shield, and eidos = shape or form; hence, shaped like a shield (which shields the glottis).

Thyroxine - An iodine-containing hormone C15H11I4NO4 that is an amino acid produced by the thyroid gland as a product of the cleavage of thyroglobulin , increases metabolic rate, and is used to treat thyroid disorders.

tibia - Latin = the shin-bone, adjective, tibial.

Tibialis - (L. tibia, a pipe or flute). Pertaining to muscles attached to the tibia.

Tinnitus - Noise perceived by the brain when no external sound is present. This sensation can be heard in one or both ears; it can be a sign of an underlying disorder but can occasionally occur for no apparent reason

tissue - a group of similar cells performing a common function.

Toluene - A solvent used in manufacturing perfumes, detergents, gasoline, other chemicals, and medicines. Acute exposure can irritate the nose, throat, and eyes, and cause headaches, loss of consciousness, and death. Chronic exposure can cause mutations, damage developing fetuses, and damage the liver, kidneys, brain, and bone marrow.

tonsil - Latin tonsilla = tonsil (e.g., palatine tonsil).

torus - Latin = a bulge.

trabecula - diminutive of Latin trabs = a beam; hence the supporting fibres of a structure.

trachea - Greek tracheia = rough, referring to its corrugations.

Trachelian - (G. trachelos, neck). Pertaining to muscles associated with the neck.

tract - Latin tractus = an elongated strand of wool or dough; hence a pathway for nerve fibres.

tragus - Latin = goat, because of the beard-like tuft of hair on its internal aspect.

transverse - perpendicular to the long axis.

Transversus - (L. trans, across + vertare, to turn). Denoting muscles that lie across the long axis of an organ or a part.

trapezium - Greek trapezion = a trapezium - a quadrilateral with 2 sides parallel.

Trapezius - (G. trapezion, a table) A four sided muscle having no two sides that are parallel. Musculus trapezius.

trapezius - Greek trapezion = a trapezium - a quadrilateral with 2 sides parallel; hence, trapezius muscle, the diamond-shape of both trapezii muscles together.

trapezoid - Greek trapezion = a trapezium - a quadrilateral with 2 sides parallel, and eidos = shape or form, hence resembling a trapezium.

Trephine - An instrument for removing a circular disc of bone.

Triangularis - (L. tri, three + angulus, angle). A muscle that is, more or less, triangular in shape.

Triceps - (L. tri, three + caput, head). Denoting a muscle with three heads, e.g., musculus triceps.

triceps - Latin tres = 3, and caput = head; hence a 3-headed muscle.

trigeminal - Latin trigeminus = triplets; hence, cranial nerve V, with 3 large divisions.

trigone - Latin trigonum = a triangle.

Triiodothyronine - An iodine-containing hormone C15H12 I 3 NO 4 that is an amino acid derived from thyroxine.

triquetral - Latin triquetrus = 3-cornered.

triticea - Latin triticum = a grain of wheat; hence, the tiny cartilage in the lateral thyrohyoid ligament.

Triticeo- - (L. triticum, a grain of wheat). Pertaining to a muscle attached in part to the cartilago triticea. á

trochanter - Greek = a runner; hence, the bony landmark, the greater trochanter, which moves so obviously in running.

trochlea - Greek trochilia = a pulley.

truncus - Latin = trunk (of a tree).

tuber - Latin tuber = a swelling or lump.

tubercle - Latin diminutive of tuber, a small prominence, usually bony.

tuberculum - Latin diminutive of tuber, a small prominence, usually bony.

tuberosity - Latin tuber = a swelling or lump, usually large and rough.

Tumor Markers - Tumor markers are measurable biochemicals that are associated with a malignancy. They are either produced by tumor cells (tumor-derived) or by the body in response to tumor cells (tumor- associated). They are typically substances that are released into the circulation and thus measured in the blood. There are a few exceptions to this, such as tissue-bound receptors that must be measured in a biopsy from the solid tumor or proteins that are secreted into the urine.

tunica - Latin = shirt; hence a covering.

turbinate - Latin turbo = a child's (spinning) top; hence shaped like a top. Old term for nasal conchi.

tympanum - Latin = a drum.